Vous voulez vous faire royalement chier? Découvrir un pays pour qui la "culture" se limite au "hockey"? Un peuple fadasse incapable de débattre d'autre chose que du yoga et de la pluie ? Alors courez au Canada!
Jamais je n'ai rencontré un peuple si fade, si insipide. Vous aurez vite fait de comprendre que les seuls amis que vs vs ferez seront des étrangers. Un canadien se cache derrière Facebook, American idol, son écran plat et ses 300 chaines. Un canadien se croit subversif parce qu'il critique les USA mais sera bien en peine de vs expliquer POURQUOI un canadien sitôt riche ou célèbre (Alanis Morissette, Mike Myers, Leonard Cohen, Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves, Pamela Anderson...) court s'installer chez l'oncle Sam et, bien souvent prendre cette autre nationalité plutôt que de mourir d'ennui chez lui...
Le Canada n'a pas de culture alors il s'en cherche une. Les canadiens aiment se raconter des histoires et ns gaver avec une culture ancestrale hors de portée de leur fadeur. La tendance se trouve alors en Asie (Thailande, Népal...) Voila une culture ancestrale, fade et tellement "neutral", aucun risque de "offend" quiconque. Le canadien aime se prendre pour Bouddha en lotus avec un encens ds le cul, à méditer sur l'ennui qu'il inspire, à se cacher derrière de gdes phrases fadasses, à nous gaver avec les produits bio, dernier gadget "West-Coast bullshit" à 2 balles.
La culture du neutre est trés répandue au Canada, ce qui lui vaut de partager le titre envié de pays le plus "boring" du monde avec la Suisse!
Les canadiens st tellement fades qu'ils se présentent comme étant soit "anglais" soit "français". WTF ??? Please, keep your ridiculous nationality !
PS: Vu le mépris (complexe?) que les québécois affichent (hors Montréal) envers la France, n'hesitez pas à les envoyer balader (ds leurs putains de lacs), ça leur fera le plus gd bien!
I posted this on Craigslist:
how do they do? they train for the next olympics of shallowness?
Hockey and Yoga?! that's what this country is all about!
i recently read that canadians got the world record for facebook-traffic.
now i know why!
they hide behind their screens because they re just incapable of making friends, you know, real friends not just "beer-buddies", "volunteer-buddies", "tennis-buddies" or "dog walking-buddies"...
i recently made a survey on the web for expats, and i realized that friends you can make here are NOT canadians, only foreigners...
yeah, of course, they re super cool ,super nice, but thats it! after that, it s just SWISS BOREDOM!
their brain is like a mollusc of superficiality...
And i received that:
Hi. I just want to tell you how much i agree with your
add. I am Canadian but i have spent most of my life in
Japan.I too agree that Canadians are so hard to make
friends with as their attitudes are indeed shallow. I
also find that it is hard to take anybody's word for
anything...i have learned that i cannot rely on
Canadians for pretty much anything...It's too bad
though...Canada gets a good reputation overseas but
unfortunately they don't live up to it...
Ahhhh... I must say I am amused to see this discussion posted on craigslist.
After university I left Canada (I like to tell people that I was run out of town by polite, passive aggression).
Canadians are almost impossible to make friends with, especially Vancouverites.
Obsessively politically correct to the point of absurdity makes it difficult to hold a conversation beyond the weather or transportation. (I actually read in a business etiquette manual that those two topics were the only safe topics in Canada)
So unbearably conformist that it creeps me out a little. Coming back here is a lot like walking into a science fiction novel where tan and minty green are the only allowable colours to paint your walls and chocolate brown is the government issued duvet cover.
Just try having a real conversation with a Canadian... politics, religion, divorce, relationships... If you're lucky you'll get a couple of exchanges in before the wall comes down and the conversation abruptly halted by the Canadian. My British relatives like to come to Canada and make a game of trying to get a genuine response out of the robotic people they come across (and that's coming from the BRITISH!)
And don't get me started on Canadians and how they just keep going back to school to get degree after degree while they figure out what to do with their lives, but are too afraid to actually try something.
Location: Exiled Canadian
Saying that Canadian’s are shallow, conformist is absolutely ridiculous. I think society is so freaked out about offending someone that it honestly gets to the point where people don’t want to speak their true mind in worry that someone is going to take offense and thereby threaten the speaker or sue them for “verbal assault/racism.” Also, in my opinion, I have observed that a lot of the “immigrant” population DO NOT EVEN TRY to make friends or associate with anyone else and tend to stick with their own culture/ethnicity...I’ve seen it in the schools...hell, I’ve even seen it on the skytrain!
the "i'm gonna sue you attitude" and "political correctness" are anglo-saxon inventions! it's ridiculous to blame immigrants for that! Most radicals immigrants are even taking advantage of that !
The atmosphere here doesn't help immigrants to mix-up with anyone. If you ad to that the legendary asian hypocrisy (40% vancouver population is from asia!)
Well, it's almost impossible to have real conversation here...
that s the results of the so-called anglo-saxons multiculturalism.
ppl just stay among themselves and think they don t have to justify about it.
In the end everybody get used to that situation and someday, some "problems" occurs...like MORE hate, more ignorance, more bullshit, more boredom...
A lack of REAL dialogue doesn t help.
IT S STUPID TO LET PPL ASIDE! they HAVE TO become canadians, english, americans...
but this YOGHURT culture doesn t help...
Canadians are so INSIPID. If canadians weren t so "afraid " to "offend". Everything would be easier.
i m sure immigrants would be more open if REAL contacts was easier.
you can t blame immigrants because of that. it s up to the canadians to be more REAL...
I, for ex, don t give a shit talking about the weather or yoga...is it my fault?
can i change that? come on, I am in the shit hole of the minority here.
it s up to canadians to do something about it!
Canadians are as boring as hell, i arrived 2 months ago, and in my company NOBODY had the slightest beginning of an idea to invite me anywhere.
they made some parties and
new years eve...? i was left alone while everybody knew i just arrived and knew nobody...
they just ignored me, not that they re mean, they re just shallow,
empty-shelled brain
canadians are smilly ppl, but come on..what s behind?
blabla and bullshit...
total canadian vocabulary:
-oh, my god
-you know
-why not
Canada got this inferiority complex about the US. they make jokes on them but are speaking ALL THE TIME about them!!! same stuff as in the third-world!
the only thing more boring than a canadian is an american... even a YOGHURT got more culture than Canada!
Socially, he says Vancouver can be dull, a common complaint among young returnees. "One thing good about Hong Kong is it's an international city, a fast-paced city, which I definitely enjoy more than the lifestyle in Vancouver. Whenever I go back I find it can get pretty boring."
Non content d'avoir un accent niais, les québécois aiment donner des leçons de "protection de langue française" à ses cousins français.
Petit problème, les québécois utilisent bien plus d'anglicismes que les français...
Petite sélection:
-accomodation (hébergement, capacité d'hébergement)
- a.m., p.m. (2 p.m. = 14 h. A.M. et P.M. viennent du latin mais sont des formes anglo-saxonnes).
- anyway (en tout cas, quoi qu'il en soit)
- applicant, application, appliquer (candidat, candidature, postuler)
- appointement (rendez-vous)
- badluck, badlucké (malchance, malchanceux)
- bag : sleeping bag (sac de couchage)
- balance, balancé (solde, équilibre, équilibré)
- balloon/balloune (ballon, bulle)
- batch (lot, paquet)
- beat (rythme, tempo)
- binnes (fèves)
- bleach (décolorant, eau de Javel)
- blender (mixeur, mélangeur)
- bouncer (videur)
- Boxing Day (après-Noël)
- braker (freiner, ralentir)
- bright (intelligent, subtil)
- bumper (pare-chocs)
- burnout (surmenage)
- canceller (annuler, décommander)
- canne (boîte, cannette, boîte de conserve)
- car wash (station de lavage)
- cartoon (dessin animé, bande dessinée)
- cassé (à sec, fauché)
- catcher (attraper / piger, saisir, comprendre)
- chance (possibilité, occasion, risque)
- charcoal (charbon de bois)
- charge (frais), charger (facturer)
- cheap (bon marché / avare, radin)
- checker (jeter un oeil, vérifier, inspecter, enregistrer...)
- check-up (bilan, inspection...)
- chiffre/shift de nuit (quart de nuit, équipe de nuit)
- chop (côtelette)
- choqué (consterné)
- clutch (embrayage)
- coat/jacket (manteau, blouson)
- compétition, compétitionner (concurrence, concurrencer)
- cute (mignon, joli...)
- darts (fléchettes)
- dash (tableau de bord)
- date (sortie, rendez-vous) - à date (pour l'instant)
- deadline (échéance, date butoir, date/heure limite)
- deal (marché, affaire) - package deal (forfait, accord global)
- dealer avec (négocier, traiter, faire face à)
- décade (décennie)
- (sun)deck (terrasse)
- défroster (dégivrer)
- déplugger (débrancher)
- domper/dumper (déposer, laisser tomber, déverser...)
- doorman (concierge, portier)
- downloader (télécharger)
- drink (boisson, comsommation, verre)
- dropper (lâcher, abandonner, décliner)
- dull (morne, ennuyeux)
- egg roll (nem, rouleau impérial, rouleau de printemps)
- exhaust (échappement)
- faker (simuler, feindre)
- fan (ventilateur)
- feedback (réaction, commentaire, retour)
- first aid (premiers soins)
- fitter (convenir, correspondre)
- flasher (clignotant)
- flashlight (lampe de poche, torche)
- flat (dégonflé, crevé)
- flusher (tirer la chasse d'eau / plaquer)
- flyer (voler, déguerpir)
- foreman (chef d'équipe, contremaître)
- frame (armature, cadre...)
- full (plein, complètement)
- gamique (manigance, combine)
- gang (groupe, bande - utilisé en France uniquement pour parler d'un groupe criminel)
- gaz (essence)
- gun (arme à feu, pistolet, fusil)
- helper (assistant, aide)
- insécure (inquiet, peu sûr)
- intercom (interphone)
- job (boulot, travail - utilisé en France uniquement pour parler d'un petit boulot)
- joke (blague, farce, attrape...)
- lap top (ordinateur portatif/portable)
- légal (juridique) - aviseur légal (legal advisor) : conseiller juridique
- lifeguard (maître-nageur, sauveteur)
- lift (donner un) (déposer, emmener)
- lighter (briquet, allume-cigares)
- location (situation, emplacement)
- lousse (loose) (lâche, desserré, en liberté...)
- make-up (maquillage)
- malle (mail) (courrier)
- moppe (mop) (serpillère)
- muffler (silencieux, pot d'échappement)
- napkin (serviette, essuie-tout)
- off (libre, en congé)
- offense (délit, faute...)
- one-way (sens unique)
- opérer (faire fonctionner, exploiter, être en activité...)
- overtime (heures supplémentaires, heures sup')
- package (forfait)
- packsack (sac à dos)
- pamphlet (brochure, dépliant...)
- parker (stationner, garer)
- passer une loi (voter, adopter une loi)
- peanut, pinotte (arachide, cacahuète)
- pedigree (description, CV...) (ne s'utilise en France que pour un animal de race)
- pet shop (animalerie)
- pitcher (lancer, balancer)
- place (lieu, endroit...) (ne s'utilise en France que pour une place dans une ville - ex. : la Place d'Italie - ou pour un siège dans une voiture, un bus...)
- plancher (floor) (étage)
- plugger (brancher)
- plywood (contreplaqué)
- préjudice (préjugé)
- preview (bande-annonce)
- puncher (perforer, pointer...)
- Q-tip (coton-tige)
- rack (casier, panier, étagère....)
- rough (brut, brutal)
- runner (circuler, fonctionner, conduire, gérer...)
- runway (piste)
- rush (affluence, ruée, période de pointe)
- scrap (casse, débris...), scrapper (démolir, bousiller)
- sécure (en sécurité, sûr, tranquille)
- shack (cabane, bicoque)
- shaker (trembler, vibrer)
- shape (forme)
- shed (hangar, dépôt...)
- shipper (expédier)
- shop (usine, atelier, boutique)
- shot (coup...)
- show (spectacle, numéro)
- slack (mou, lâche, dévissé...)
- slow (lent, au ralenti)
- smatte (smart) (aimable, fin, habile...)
- spark plugs (bougies d'allumage)
- splitter (partager)
- spot (point, eplacement)
- spotlight (projecteur)
- spotter (repérer, matter)
- spread (pâte à tartiner)
- stage (estrade, scène...)
- stainless (acier inoxydable, inox)
- steamé (vapeur, à la vapeur)
- step (bond, saut, pas), stepper (bondir, sauter)
- storage (entreposage, garde-meubles)
- straight (honnête, droit, strict, de suite, sec / hétéro)
- strap (bandoulière, courroie, lanière)
- stretché (extensible)
- suit (costume, combinaison)
- switch (interrupteur, bouton), switcher (changer, passer de.. à..)
- ticket (contravention)
- timer (chronométrer)
- tip (pourboire)
- toffe/tough (pénible, tenace, dur), toffer (persévérer, tenir bon, endurer)
- touer (tow) (remorquer)
- toune (chanson, air)
- truck (camion), trucker (camionneur, chauffeur routier)
- truster (faire confiance à), trustable (fiable)
- twister (tordre, entortiller)
- update (mise à jour)
- U-turn (demi-tour)
- van (semi-remorque, fourgonnette)
- waiter, waitress (serveur, serveuse)
- watcher (surveiller, guetter)
- windshield (pare-brise)
- wiper (essuie-glace)
- yes-man (courbeur d'échine, marionnette)
- zipper (fermeture éclair, fermeture à glissière)
.... et beaucoup d'autres... :-)
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